
Questionnaire- GA4-240202501-AA1-EV01

 to carry out a questionnaire according to the formative content of the sixth level (Level 6 - MCE B1,1+). https://sena.territorio.la/content_mooc.php?idMateria=2186088&social=25322788

GA3-240202501-AA2-EV03- Forum

 Intervene in the forum "Sharing life experience" starting from the aspects of work experience, in an argued and creative way. https://sena.territorio.la/perfil.php?id=25322788&foros=1

Audio GA3-240202501-AA2-EV02

 audio about my background, plans, actions and solutions in my academic and work context. audio:  https://sena.territorio.la/perfil.php?id=25322788

GA3-240202501-AA2 EV02- Questionnaire

 presentation of questionnaire according to the formative content of the fifth level "Level 5 - MCE B1.1.

GA3-240202501-AA1-EV03- Forum- Giving opinions about jobs

The development of this Forum has the objective of knowing the way you behave or could behave in your job while doing something for the environment, that is why you should answer the following questions: How can you be environmentally friendly at work? What kind of incentives could a green company offer to its employees? In what other ways could businesses involve their employees in environmental issues? I also have thought about my participation and I hope you can also share your ideas no matter if they are short or long, or if you give them as a paragraph or separate answers; our objective is to find more words to communicate in different contexts. I hope to see your participation. https://sena.territorio.la/perfil.php?id=25322788&foros=1

GA3-240202501-AA1 EV 02- Audio

audio elaboration about my attitudes, beliefs and obligations in the work and academic context, with the use of ( have to, must, should+ infinitive ) https://sena.territorio.la/perfil.php?id=25322788